Friday, September 23, 2011


Warm up: The place I choose to write about for my feature story was Six Flags. I choose Six Flags because it is one of my most favorite places to go to in the summer. Another reason is I love to get on rides and feel the rush. Also it has so many other things to do besides getting on ride. My most favorite thing to do is go to their water park called "Slashworld". So as you can see there are not a lot of reasons for not liking Six Flags it is really a wonderful place.
Assignment #9:
             People: Black History Month
I am writing about black history month because it is coming up soon. Black History Month is a yearly celebration, in February, of the achievements of African Americans. One interesting fact is it is the same month that the great black leader Frederick Douglas(February 14) who fought to gain rights for all people, and Abraham Lincon (February 12), who helped end slavery. This month gives us a chance to honor people who have put their life on the line, and that's why I love this month.
          Sports and Hobbies: Dance
My second thing to write about is dance. I choose to write about it because I do dance, and I really enjoy it. Dance is the movement of the body in time to music. On thing I found interesting is that dance can be considered an art as well as a hobby. My most favorite fact is scientists believe that dancing may have played an important part in hunting and other things people did long ago. To me The kinds of dances people do, and how and why they do them, says a lot about their way of life.
         Places: Amusement park
My most favorite place to go is to an amusement park. An amusement park is a permanent outdoor entertainment area that most of the time offers games, rides, and shows. An amusement park offers many kinds of things, such as roller coasters, Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, and games. Today, theme parks have replaced many traditional amusement parks.
Arts: Blues

Blues are a type of music that can from African Americans. Blues may have come from “field hollers” used by workers calling to one another in fields in the Southern United States. Also By the late 1800's, country blues were heard. I love to hear the blues every once in a while it makes your soul  To me blues were the best invention when it comes to music.

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