Friday, September 9, 2011


Warm up: I wrote about dolphins, because they are my favorite animals. There is nothing like writing about your favorite animals. The one thing that interested me is how female dolphins carry a baby longer than female humans. Another thing I thought was interesting was that they can only stay under water for a few minutes. i thought they could last longer.


          The next topic I am going to talk about is why exercising is good for you. Exercising is very important there are many reasons why exercisisng is healthy for you. One reason why exercising is healthy for you is because it benefits your regular physical activiy. Another reason is it increases bone strength and protects against fractures. One other reason is it helps you sleep better. Finally, because it helps your heart.
          According to It benefits your regular physical activity because your able to do more things without having a problem. Another reason why it's good for you is because it helps your body get used to using bones you would not move or use on a daily bases.One other reason is you burn calories witch is always a plus. Not only that but when you loose weight it's better for your heart. I know many people who have died because too much weight was on their heart.
          According to  It increases your bone strength and protects against fractures. It also to me I think it protects your heart because by working out you loose weight and that is less fat on your heart. Did you know that as soon as you start to exercise ouyr body reaspons to it by building new tissues and cells to support it. the one main thing it makes stronger is your heart exercise helps it to pump a longer volume of blood.Also  you can deliever oxygen faster.
          Websites such as say Exercising can also help you sleep better because the more you work your body the more you are able to relax. Also with regular exercise your sleep quility is improved. Our bodies require a certain amount of physical activity in order to function. Also if you think about it by just working you get tired so it is normal for you to feel sleepy after you're you are done working out. To be honest the most common exsuce for not working out is being too tired. Working out is what your body needs to prevent from being tired. People say that exercise and sleep have a love-hate realationdship.
                       Another website called saysExercising can help your heart by helping it pump better. If you don't exercise you could be at risk of a heart attact. Lake of exercise is a single risk of  heart disease as well. Exercising also lowers blood pressure, and it increases your HDL cholsterol. Another fact is it improves circulation which preevents blood clots. It also prevents strokes. Another Fact is it helps you loose weight, and it builds muscle mass.
           That is why exercising is so important because when it comes to exercise it is plain and simple the more you work out the more u feel better, and your heart gets healthier. For more imformation go on these following websites.

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