Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Blog Assignment #12-M.Antoinette

        Marie Antoinette was a Queen o France who became the symbol for the Wanton extravagance of the 18th century monarchy. Marie Antoinette was born in Austira on November 2, 1755. She was the daughter of Francis 1 who was a holy roman emperor, and Austrian Empress Maria Theresa. She was born on the same day the earthquake Lisbon. As with most royal daughters, Marie Antoinette was promised in marriage in order build a diplomatic alliance between her birth family and the family of her husband. Marie Antoinette married a French dauphin, Louis, grandson of Louis XV of France, in 1770.
          Marie Antoinette assumed the title of Queen of France and of Navarre when her husband, Louis XVI of France, ascended the throne upon the death of Louis XV in May 1774. After seven years of marriage, she gave birth to a daughter, Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, the first of four children.At the height of the French Revolution, Louis XVI was deposed and the monarchy abolished on 10 August 1792; the royal family was subsequently imprisoned at the Temple Prison.Nine months after her husband's execution, Marie Antoinette was herself tried, convicted of treason, and executed by guillotine on 16 October 1793.
           Marie Antoinette is famous for the saying  “If they have no bread, then let them eat cake!”. Which ment as long as I have the things I need I don't care.On July 14, 1789 a mob of Parisian citizens took control of the Bastille Prison in Paris. This marked the beginning of the French Revolution. During this time of revolution the Queen became the most hated member of the Royal family and was often viewed as “the Austrian woman.” After Marie Antoinette’s short and unfair trial she was ordered to death. Marie Antoinette so they say was beheaded on October 16th, 1793 at the Place de la Concorde in Paris. Websites say that as one of the most popular historical figures, the character of Marie Antoinette had appeared in many movies.




Warm up: If I could ask God 5 Questions my first question would be how many people are in haven? To me I have always wanted to ask that question. My second question would be if any of my family members made it to heaven it's always good to believe that they are but it's different when you know. My third question would be what does hell look like. I would ask that because for some odds reason I always wanted to know. My forth question would be when is the world going to end, and how is it going to end. Finally, what do the houses in heaven look like, or how big they are.



Story #1

(Wandering Girl Suppered Ind. Police To Find Bodies)

Who? A Indiana Couple
What? Called 911 saw the child walking on the road, about 50 miles southeast of Indianapolis.
When? Tuesday
Where? In Indianapolis
Why? When the police came went to her house found four people dead; three people shoot and one person nearby the house
How? The people were murdered
Story #2

(Michael Jackson)

Who? Michael Jackson, and his doctor Dr. Conrad Murray
What? His doctor started doing trial
When?  On a Tuesday
Where? Los Angeles County Superior Court
Why? Because they thought his doctor had something to do with it
How? he gave him a strong medicine to keep him up and it killed him
Story #3

(Blood Diamonds)

Who? Naomi Campbell
What? she received a gift of " small dirty looking stones"
When? Does not say
Where? In her dressing room
Why? She does not know, but thinks Taylor had given her uncut "blood diamonds" on a trip to South Africa.
How? Doesn’t say

Story #1

(Greece Strike).

Who? Workers
What? Go on strike
When? Does not say
Where? On the streets
Why? Because government offices and tourist sites closed, and hospitals working with reduced staff. Many people are out of work.
How? Does not say
Story #2

(Somali Famine).

Who? Tens of thousands of people
What? Have fled to seek food aid in the capital, Mogadishu
When? Last month
Why? No crops are expected to be ready for harvest until January and aid workers said a massive food distribution operation would be needed for months.
How? Dry land; need water
Story #3

(Thailand floods).

Who? Thailand Citizens
What? Are dying
When? Mid July
Where? Ayutthaya ( the capital)
Why? More heavy rain is forecast, reservoirs are at full capacity and rivers are overflowing.
How? By nature

Story #1

(Shaq Announces Retirement)

Who? Shaquille O’Neal
What? Announced his retirement
When? doesn't say
Where? Does not say as well
why? Because of his past injuies it would take too long to recover
How? In a video posted online
Story #2

(NBA Set to Cancel Games)

Who? NBA
What? Are set to cancel games
When?  preseason
Where? Doesn't say
Why? after negotiations to end the league’s lockout fell apart
How? doesn't say
Story #3

(Phillies take punch, then fight back)

Who? Phillies
What? won last four games
When? October
Where? Home games
Why? Had better strategy says a local reporter
How? doesn’t say

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Assighnment #10

Warm up: If I had a million dollars I would give to people that gave to me. For example my mom and dad I would give them some money to pay them back a small amount of what i took from them. The second thing iI would to is go on a vacation to Hawaii because I have always wanted to go there. Finally, the last thing I would do is go shopping like there is no tommorow, and take all my friends with me. Those are some of the things I would do if I had a million dollars.

         World Religions: Buddhism
I like to learn about other religions and today i learned about Buddhism on It says that buddhism is one of the major religions of the world. Also that it was started in India about 500 B.C. by a teacher called Buddha which explians the name. Another fact that I learned was today buddhism has more than 350 million followers just like twitter. Buddhists believe in Buddha, his teachings, and the religious community he started. This religion to me is very interesting, and has a lot more facts I would like to learn about.
          Science and Mathimadics:What is Science
Science is the study of why and how things happen. Scientists study many different types of subjects they try to find out how the universe started and how plants and animals grow and live. Science is important in our lives today. Most modern technology  is based on science.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Warm up: The place I choose to write about for my feature story was Six Flags. I choose Six Flags because it is one of my most favorite places to go to in the summer. Another reason is I love to get on rides and feel the rush. Also it has so many other things to do besides getting on ride. My most favorite thing to do is go to their water park called "Slashworld". So as you can see there are not a lot of reasons for not liking Six Flags it is really a wonderful place.
Assignment #9:
             People: Black History Month
I am writing about black history month because it is coming up soon. Black History Month is a yearly celebration, in February, of the achievements of African Americans. One interesting fact is it is the same month that the great black leader Frederick Douglas(February 14) who fought to gain rights for all people, and Abraham Lincon (February 12), who helped end slavery. This month gives us a chance to honor people who have put their life on the line, and that's why I love this month.
          Sports and Hobbies: Dance
My second thing to write about is dance. I choose to write about it because I do dance, and I really enjoy it. Dance is the movement of the body in time to music. On thing I found interesting is that dance can be considered an art as well as a hobby. My most favorite fact is scientists believe that dancing may have played an important part in hunting and other things people did long ago. To me The kinds of dances people do, and how and why they do them, says a lot about their way of life.
         Places: Amusement park
My most favorite place to go is to an amusement park. An amusement park is a permanent outdoor entertainment area that most of the time offers games, rides, and shows. An amusement park offers many kinds of things, such as roller coasters, Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, and games. Today, theme parks have replaced many traditional amusement parks.
Arts: Blues

Blues are a type of music that can from African Americans. Blues may have come from “field hollers” used by workers calling to one another in fields in the Southern United States. Also By the late 1800's, country blues were heard. I love to hear the blues every once in a while it makes your soul  To me blues were the best invention when it comes to music.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Warm up: If I could do a feature story about a place I would do Six Flags.  I choose Six Flags because it is a fun and relaxing place.  Not only that but the rides there are amazing it is one of the most popular amusment parks ever.  In the summer everyone goes there.  There is not one summer day where the parking lot is not full. Finally because it' s kid friendly meaning you can bring everyone.

        My feature story today is about the wonderful Six Flags Great Adventure.  I choose Six Flags because it is an amazing place to visit, and if you haven’t been there before I really hope that at some point in your life you go.  People also like it because it is kid friendly which means the whole family gets to go.  If you have never been there before and you plan to go in the future one ride you must get on is The Kingda Ka.  According to the Kingda Ka breaks world records for the coasters speed, and height going from 0-128 mph in 3.5 seconds and going 45 stories into the sky.  One time I decided to sit in the front of the Kingda Ka and when the ride started it began to pull my face back it hurt so bad, but it was fun.
        According to Six Flags is very kid friendly which makes more and more families come each year for example it has a section just for kids with all kinds of rides.  Such as Air Safari, Bugaboo, Bugs Bunny Barnstormer, and Daffy Ducks Hot Air Balloons.  I have been on some of them when I was little they are so much fun it makes you want to ride them again and again.  They also have a water park just for kinds and toddlers called Splashwater Oasis, which they just added. Finally they also have a fun tour for kids so that they can see the beautiful safari this ride is called "Safari Tours" .
         Also says some interesting things about six flags history.  For example it was opened in 1974 under Waner Leroy's vision of a seven park complex named Great Adventure. Six Flags took ownership of the park in 1977.  The park today contains eleven themed areas, which for are designed for children. Also Six Flags, Inc. is the world's largest regional theme park company and the second leading amusement park. Twenty-four of the company's parks are branded with the Six Flags name. Finally, That park had been opened in 1958.
         According to Six Flags Inc. has more than 20 parks in 14 major cities in the United States, plus Mexico and Canada. Six Flags offers a wide selection of nonprophet organizations, and local relationships with their community. The first park was opened in Texas. There are two Six Flags parks in Los Angeles, one in San Francisco, three in Atlanta, one in Chicago, one in Louisville, one in New Orleans (which as of 2009 is still closed due to damage from Hurricane Katrina), one in Baltimore/Washington D.C., one in Springfield, Mass., one in St. Louis, three in Jackson, N.J., two in Lake George, N.Y., one in San Antonio, two in Arlington, Texas (including the original park), one in Montreal and one in Mexico City.
           Finally, says Six Flags features three types of parks animal parks, water parks and theme parks. Theme parks offer variety of rides to suit all different ages. There are some common rides among the parks, but each park also has rides and attractions that are similar to its theme.  One example is Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in San Francisco, which offers Dolphin Discovery, where guests have the opportunity to have fun with the dolphins in the water. What can get you great deals on tickets season passes. Season passes are offered at a discounted rate if they are purchased early. For example, if you are purchasing a 2010 season pass, it is less expensive if you purchase it in the fall of 2009.  So as you can see six flags is really big in a lot of places and the things there can explain why. I can truly say it's an amazing place.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Warm up: If I could write about a famous person I would want to write about the great Micheal Jackson. I would write about him because he had a jam packed life.Not only that but just the fact that he has changed many peoples lives, I would love to see how many awards he has won. Also because he is an insperation to many kids, teens, and adults. Another reason is I think alot of people would want to read it, and love the article. It would be in the highlights of all the magazines, and newspapaers. That's why I would write about Micheal Jackson ( King of Pop).

Assighnment#7/Feature Story:
            According to the great Micheal Jackson was born August 29,1958, in Gary, Indiana, to an afirican american working family.His father, Joseph Jackson, had been a guitarist but had put aside his musical aspirations to provide for his family as a crane operator.  Believing his sons had talent, he molded them into a musical group in the early 1960s. The Jackson Family performers consisted of Michael's older brothers Tito, Jermaine, and Jackie. Michael joined his siblings when he was five, and emerged as the group's lead vocalist.Older brother Marlonalso became a member of the group, which evolved into the The Jackson 5. Michael and his brothers spent endless hours rehearsing and polishing up their act.The group became so popular that they even had their own self-titled cartoon show, which ran from 1971 to 1973.
             Another website called says Jackson, however, began to branch out on his own. more.Teaming up with rock legend Paul McCartney, Jackson sang on their 1982 duet, "The Girl Is Mine," which nearly reached the top of the pop charts.The song also appeared on his next solo album, Thriller (1982), which generated seven top 10 hits. On a television special honoring Motown, Jackson performed "Billie Jean"—eventually a number one hit—and debuted his soon-to-be-famous dance move called the moonwalk. His video for "Thriller" became immensely popular, boosting sales for the already successful album. For his songwriting talents, he received the Grammy Award for Best Rhythm and Blues Song for "Billie Jean. Jackson also won Best Pop Vocal Performance, Male for "Thriller" and Best Rock Vocal Performance, Male for "Beat It."
                According to he also signed a 5 million dollar contract with pesi-cola, but he was badly injured while doing a  commercial for a soda giant in 1984, suffering burns to his face and his scalp. By having surgery it repaired all his inguries, and is believed to have begun experimenting with plastic surgery around this time. His face, especially his nose, would become dramatically altered in the coming years. That same year, Jackson embarked on his final tour with the Jacksons to the support the album Victory.
               Accoring to Releasing his follow-up to Thriller in 1987, Jackson reached the top of the charts with Bad. It featured five No. 1 hits, including "Man in the Mirror," "The Way You Make Me Feel," and the title track, which was supported by a video directed by Martin Scorsese. Jackson spent more than a year on the road, playing concerts to promote the album. While successful, Bad was unable to duplicate the phenomenal sales of Thriller.He was never truly comfortable with the media attention he received and rarely gave interviews.By the late 1980s, Jackson had created his own fantasy retreat—a California ranch called Neverland.There he kept exotic pets, such as a chimpanzee named Bubbles, and had his own amusement rides. To some, it seemed that Jackson perhaps was exploring a second childhood. He sometimes opened up the ranch for children's events.
               Finally  http://www.notablebiographies.comin/ August 1994, Jackson announced that he had married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of rock icon Elvis Presley. The couple had two children.Son Prince Michael Jackson was born in 1997 and daughter Paris Michael Jackson was born in 1998. Later he would go on to have a third child, Prince Michael JacksonII.Jackson's musical career began to decline with the lukewarm reception to 1995's HIStory: Past, Present, and Future, Book I, which featured some of his earlier hits as well as new material. The record spawned two hits, "You Are Not Alone" and his duet with sister Janet Jackson, "Scream." "Scream" earned Michael and Janet a Grammy Award for Best Music Video, but life wan't going to be long for him. Jackson who never got to experience the success  of his comeback tour.On June 25, 2009, Jackson suffered cardiac arrest  in his Los Angeles. He was rushed to the hospital after his heart stopped, and died later that morning.News of Jackson's death resulted in an outpouring of public grief and sympathy. As you can see this man has changed many peoples lives and hads made some great accomplishments.
  5. http://www.notablebiographies.comin/

Friday, September 9, 2011


Warm up: I wrote about dolphins, because they are my favorite animals. There is nothing like writing about your favorite animals. The one thing that interested me is how female dolphins carry a baby longer than female humans. Another thing I thought was interesting was that they can only stay under water for a few minutes. i thought they could last longer.


          The next topic I am going to talk about is why exercising is good for you. Exercising is very important there are many reasons why exercisisng is healthy for you. One reason why exercising is healthy for you is because it benefits your regular physical activiy. Another reason is it increases bone strength and protects against fractures. One other reason is it helps you sleep better. Finally, because it helps your heart.
          According to It benefits your regular physical activity because your able to do more things without having a problem. Another reason why it's good for you is because it helps your body get used to using bones you would not move or use on a daily bases.One other reason is you burn calories witch is always a plus. Not only that but when you loose weight it's better for your heart. I know many people who have died because too much weight was on their heart.
          According to  It increases your bone strength and protects against fractures. It also to me I think it protects your heart because by working out you loose weight and that is less fat on your heart. Did you know that as soon as you start to exercise ouyr body reaspons to it by building new tissues and cells to support it. the one main thing it makes stronger is your heart exercise helps it to pump a longer volume of blood.Also  you can deliever oxygen faster.
          Websites such as say Exercising can also help you sleep better because the more you work your body the more you are able to relax. Also with regular exercise your sleep quility is improved. Our bodies require a certain amount of physical activity in order to function. Also if you think about it by just working you get tired so it is normal for you to feel sleepy after you're you are done working out. To be honest the most common exsuce for not working out is being too tired. Working out is what your body needs to prevent from being tired. People say that exercise and sleep have a love-hate realationdship.
                       Another website called saysExercising can help your heart by helping it pump better. If you don't exercise you could be at risk of a heart attact. Lake of exercise is a single risk of  heart disease as well. Exercising also lowers blood pressure, and it increases your HDL cholsterol. Another fact is it improves circulation which preevents blood clots. It also prevents strokes. Another Fact is it helps you loose weight, and it builds muscle mass.
           That is why exercising is so important because when it comes to exercise it is plain and simple the more you work out the more u feel better, and your heart gets healthier. For more imformation go on these following websites.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Assignment#5/Feature Story

Warm up: My family is the type of  family were if you can't take a joke you're in the wrong family. We have good times, bad times, and sometimes weird times. For example there is always a silent moment I mean always. If you know me you will know I hate silent moments unless im doing my work. My family is also the type of family were if we are mad at each other we are mad, but if anyone hurts us we will have each ohters backs. That's what I like about my family. the main thing I want you to know about my family is that we take family time very serious. Doesn't matter if it's a holidaay or not we have to be there, and if not we better have a good reason. Those are some interesting facts about my family.
Assignment #5:
Do you like to learn about  your favorite animals? Well I do and my favorite animal is a Dolphin. Did you know that Dolphins are a species of small toothed whales. They are considered mammals because they are born with hair, have lungs (breath air), give live birth, nurse their young, are warm blooded and have larger, more developed brains than other animals. Dolphins are considered to be highly intelligent. Also that female Dolphins give birth every 2 - 3 years, and Pregnancy lasts 11 - 12 months that's more than us!! Most dolphins come to the surface every few minutes, but they can stay under water for about 15 minutes. A dolphin breathes through the blowwhole off the top of it's head. Also they can jump 20 feet above water.Those are some amazing fats about dolphins.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


warm up: Some of my favorite child moments is when my mom and I would always go out for ice cream every thursday. The part i liked about that was it would just be me and her noone else. Another moment in my childhood was when my dad was "trying" to teach me how to ride my bike I had so much fun even though when I got home I was all marked up. Finally, the most favorite moment I had was when I had my Pre-K graduation I was so proud of my self and my whole family came. Those are some of my favorite moments of my childhood. 
Assighment:10 websites