Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mid-Term 2011

Assignment #1: Babies Behind Bars
        In this situation according to there is a 20 year old mother, Gulnaz who has been spending the past two years in a prison cell in Afghanistan. With 27 other women and their children. Gulnaz baby girl is with her mother 24-7 unaware that her mother was raped by her father. Therefor making both mother and daughter placed behind bars and sentenced to 12 years in jail. Sex out of wedlock, even in the case of rape, is considered adultery and a “moral crime” in Afghanistan—in some cases punishable by death.
         This week, nearly 100,000 people from around the world helped change Gulnaz’s fate. They say she will go free within days. This victory for women’s rights, however, is tainted by two facts: Gulnaz has agreed to marry her rapist against her will, and more than 600 women and their children remain behind bars in Afghanistan for similar “moral crimes. “Their stories are hard to believe. Most are imprisoned for “moral crimes” such as having an extramarital affair (or simply being accused of it), running away from an abusive husband.
          In my eyes not only is this unholy, but it's not fair to women. The bible says we should love thy neighbor. What's going on here does not show that at all. All God wants for us is to be happy, and that is nothing to be happy about. Not only is that but for a baby to go through that at an young age very sad. Who knows what's going to happen when the mother and father start to live together. I think they all should join a church to get their hearts and minds right with God because at the end of the day he has the final say.  
Assignment #2: Best Seller
(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
     The series Diary of a Wimpy Kid is about a ordinary kid name Greg Heffley who in most chases does not have a normal life. You see he is not really popular in school his older brother gets on his nerves and his little brother gets all of the attention. So I guess in some chases he does have a normal boy life. Greg Heffley is starting his first year of middle school. The first half of the book, Rowley and Greg endure events such as Halloween, learning how to wrestle, and acting in the play of The Wizard of Oz as a tree. During trick-or-treating on Halloween night, Greg and Rowley are interrupted by a group of teenagers. They take journey at Greg's grandmother's house and scare the teenagers from there by making sounds and faces at them.
     This upsets Greg's mom, who orders them to come home. They do come home, but get a surprise when they come to the driveway Greg's father soaks the two friends with a trash can full of water.  He only did it because he thought they were teenagers trying to "TP" the house like they did last year. On Christmas day, Greg writes that he gets very few presents that he likes. He does not get the one thing he really wants, a video game called Twisted Wizard, but instead gets a red sweater because his parents mix the presents up, an 8 x 10 picture of his uncle, and a Big Wheel. Manny (his younger brother) gets all the presents that he wanted, making Greg more frustrated.
        Near the end of the school year, Rowley's comic strip, called "Zoo-Wee Mama", is entered into the school's newspaper. Greg tells Rowley to list him as the co-creator because it was his idea and joke punch line. Rowley then denies that Greg had anything to do with it. They get ready to fight but are then interrupted by the teenagers they scared on Halloween. They showed up to pay them back and they force Rowley to eat the cheese at the blacktop, but Greg gets away by lying to the angry, bad tempered teenagers saying he is allergic to dairy products. The next day, Greg explains that he removed the Cheese, but unfortunately for him, the other students thought that this meant Greg actually touched it, giving him the Cheese Touch. For the rest of the year, Greg is in seclusion from everyone else and he and Rowley become best friends again. That's all that happened in the first book.           

Assignment #3: American Museum of Natural History
1. (Tools of The Trade)
Who? Spanish and the Indians
     What? Built Missions
     When? Today
     Where? All over the world
     Why? To spread Christianity and to offer food and aid.
     How? By raising money
Who? Scientists
What? Astronomy, and what it is
When? In the present time
Where? In space
Why? Trying to find out how stars got here
How? By going to space and observing
3. (Studying what people do everywhere and across time)
Who? People in the world
What? Things people want to know about other people in other countries
When? In the present time
Where? All over the world
Why? Just to know how it is
How? Anthropologists ask

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog Assignment #22 / Teen News

Assignment #22:

( A teen's take)

#1:Claire Young on volunteering at Woman’s Hospital
          This article is a very inspirational work to young girls. Not only is it inspirational but it also shows that if one works hard, one can accomplish life  long dreams . This is a great program to show kids how to walk in their profession at an early age. Also, it helps youth  stay positive and motivated  in their lives. There is no feeling like doing something that one loves at an early age. This is a very great program, and girls around the world love it. She is helping people in need. That is why this is a great article.

( A teen's take)
#2:Caroline Schulenberg on ballet
 Seeing young people chasing after their dreams is very inspirational. Also, she  serves a hospital so well and loves what she is doing. Not only does she volunteer,  she is practicing giving care to others and is not lazy. Likewise, she does not give up on her dreams and goes for her dreams no matter what anyone says. She is performing in one of my favorite plays, The Nutcracker Suite. She definitely will have a great story to tell young girls that want to be like her.
( A teen's take)
#3:Conner Bueche
  Conner Bueche is a teen who thinks more kids and teens need to exercise often in order to keep up their health. The future starts with us young people, and we need to realize that time waits for no man. Conner is doing the right thing by letting his voice be heard. Not only is this a serious situation that ____,  but he uses his voice to reach the ears of America's youth. Many teens want to make a change in America, but they never really say anything. More people should get involved and  "SPEAK UP"!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Assignment #20:
(Past: Henry Ford)


                 Through July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947 Henry Ford was an American industrialist. He was also the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production.  His introduction of the Model T automobile changed transportation and American industry. as the owner of the Ford Motor Company he became the most richest and most well known people in the world. Ford left most of his vast wealth to the Ford Foundation but arranged for his family to control the company permanently.


          I think president Obama is our present. I think he is our present because he focuses on what is happening now. Also he makes choices that will not only affect us now but in the future as well. He is our present because he is almost like the latest news because he is the first African American president and is trying as hard as he can to make a change. Not only that but because the choices he makes now are really big they could affect what is going on now in a second. That is why Obama is our present.

Future: Apple

Assignment #21: fairy tale

Victoria Savage
Mrs. Alexander
Jr. Publications
9 November
The three little pigs.
            Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They all decided to build houses of their own.  So one day the first little pig builds a house made out of straw. Then the second little pigs build his house out of sticks. Finally, the third pig built his house out of bricks. A few days after that the big bad wolf was at home trying to make a cake for his dear old sick grandma, but he ran out of sugar. So he decided to take a stroll around and see if anyone had any sugar. Truth is told the big bad wolf had a very bad cold. So his first house was the pig who built his house out of straw. He knocked on the door saying…..
            “Oh pig, do you by any chance have any sugar that I can barrow to finish baking a cake for my dear old sick grandma?”
            “Go away not by the hears on my chinny,chin,chin!”
            The big bad wolf did not like that, but he figured that he will just have to go on to the next house. But then he felt a sneeze coming on so he HUFFED, and he PUFFED and he BLEW the house down. Then went on to the next house to see if anyone had any sugar they would give him for his dear old sick grandma. So the next house he went to was built out of sticks. So he walked up to the door and said…….
            “Oh pig; do you by any chance have any sugar that I can barrow to finish baking a cake for my dear old sick grandma?”
            “Go away not by the hair on my chinny,chin,chin!”
            The big bad wolf was again disappointed, but was willing to go on to the next house. But then he felt a sneeze coming on so he HUFFED, and he PUFFED, and he blew the house down. Then went to the last house in the neighborhood to see if anyone had any sugar for his dear old sick grandma. So he walked up to the door and said……..
            “Oh pig; do you by any chance have any sugar that I can barrow to finish baking a cake for my dear old sick grandma?”
            “Go away big bad wolf we won’t let you in,” all three of the pigs say together.
            The two other pigs came to join their brother since the house was blown down. Suddenly the wolf was feed up, and felt a sneeze coming on so he sneezed as hard as he could and blew the house down. But what he didn’t realize is this house was made out of bricks so the house was still standing. The pigs made fun of the big bad wolf and called the cops on him. So everyone was happy because  the big bad wolf was put in jail. Even though he was in jail that still did not stop him from trying to get sugar for his grandma’s cake.



Friday, October 28, 2011

Blog Assignment #19 - Lion's Cub Articles

Assignment #19:
Tasty Bugs

             Hey, it's victoria again with the  candy of the week. The candy I’m talking about is no ordinary candy. Yup that's right it's Bug Candy. According to there is an amazing amount of candy with real bugs in it. Hotlix is probably the most well-known maker of candied bugs but you can find them made by severial of companies. You can get  lollipops with a worm inside, Cricket Lick-Its lollipops with a real cricket inside, lollipops with a real scorpion inside. (yeah, I know a scorpion isn’t a bug) You can also get Ant Candy which has real ants and looks like a miniature ant farm, and of course, you can get all manner of bugs covered in chocolate. No matter what kind of candy and no matter what kind of bugs, candy with real bugs in it is gross.
   1.  Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I? 
      2.  The big monkey is the father of the small monkey, but the small monkey is not the son of the big monkey. How are they related?
      3.  I am a fat Man, All I do is stand there, I am not scared by the north wind, But I am scared of the sun. What am I?
       4.  It starts cars. It helps make juice. It usually finishes a topic. What is it? 
5.  If I were to die, then you would be born. What is night for me, would be your morn. What happens to me, never happens to you. We are so far out from similar, now guess who?
( Answers)
1.       Fire
2.       The small monkey is the daughter of the big monkey
3.       A snowman
4.       The letter C
5.       I am your opposite

 Do's and don'ts
Do's                                                                                                Don'ts
  1. Skinny Jeans (any color)                                              1. Clothes that are way too big
  2. Animal Print                                                                 2. Dark colored clothes
  3. Bright colored flat shoes                                               3. Plain shirts and jeans
Do's                                                                                                Don'ts
  1. Skinny Jeans as well (certain body types)                     1. Pants with holes
  2. Prints such as checkard board                                      2. White after Labor Day 
  3. Vans                                                                            3. Crocs
Skittles Jar Contest
 I have a fun contest for you. We have put a jar of Skittles somewhere in the school office. The contest is to guess how many skittles is in the jar.Whoever is the closest to the correct answer will win a grand prize. Hurry!!!!!! before someone beats you !!!!! Make your guess by Wednesday 16th!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog Assignment #18: Obama

Assignment #18:

       President Barack Obama as we all know has a very interesting family. First lets start from the roots. His father was a government economist in Kenya. He was the father of one daughter and at least four sons. The women of the house hold known as Ann Soetoro who was a teen mother who soon got her P.H.D. She was a dreamer, and made risky bets that only paid off some of the time, choices that her children had to live with. Today Obama is partly a product of what his mother was not. Whereas she swept her children off to unfamiliar lands and even lived apart from her son when he was a teenager, Obama has tried to ground his children in the Midwest.

 President Barack Obama has many responsibilities. He has to keep us safe and too me that is a big responsibility. That one thing that I think is very important is that everyone is counting on him to make a change and that’s a very hard job.   Not only that but people are threatening him all the time and that is something to really worry about because you never know what’s going to happen. Another big responsibility is he always has to make the people of the United States happy and do what’s best for the country.
                As we all know our president is very educated Following high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles in 1979, where he studied at Occidental College for two years. He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations.  Obama lived off campus in a rented apartment at 142 West 109th St. He was a very smart man, and was serious about his education.  That’s why he now encourages young boys to stay and school, and look and see how far it gets them.

                He is very involved with his kids which I think everyone loves. According to  /  One of the biggest complaints of most parents is that they don’t spend enough time with their kids. Obama makes sure he schedules time with this family each day. Which I think is really nice because being the president you would think him wouldn’t have time for it. As a loving father he makes sure he has time.

                So as you can see even though he Is the president with big responsibilities he still is a normal person. Which I think more people need to realize. Also that he really cares about his family and will do anything for them. To him it’s so important he puts time aside just to be with them which I think is very sweet.  Finally, another thing I’ve learned is that he comes from a very interesting back-round.

Blog Assignment #17 / Comics

Assignment #17:
    Comic #1
(Pickles By: Brian Crane)
      Pickles is very funny it remindes me of when i was little and wanted to ask fifty million questions all at once. It also is personal because i have had a similar conversation with my granddad. The weird thing is he said the same thing. The whole story was funny from beginning to end. The little boy ask his grandmother wht she has wrinkles on her face. So then she told him how wrinles tells a story about the person's life which i believe. She also said how the older you get you start to wear ezpressions on your face which is true sometimes. She aslo told him how every line, bag, or wrinkle means something. Finally, the little boy ask what can you tell when you look at a young person face, and she says (which is really funny) what they had for dinner because some of us tend to make a mess when eating.

Comic #2
( Sally Forth By: Francesco Marciuliano)
      Sally Forth to me is interesting because men really do seem to have a connection with thier grills. So when i read this i knew i had to put it on blogger. What happened was it was starting to become fall and during the fall people stop grilling. So the mans wife was telling him how it was their last time grilling for a while. Him being in  love with his grill he wanted time to him self . So they wife said okay because you're not going to see it for a while. I think it's funny because my uncle is the same way and so is his wife.
Comic #3
(Mallard Fillmore By: Bruce Tinsley)
       I like Mallard Fillmore because it is funny, and it's happening today. You see a lot of movies are being remade into a more modern version. So when everyone sat down and the film said " The following picture is not a re-make" people were suprised. I like it because you don't relize people are starting to that until someone says something. So once i understood what it said i really thought about it and wondered why they are starting to do that.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog Assignment #16 / Hershey Celebration

Assignment #16:

      Milton Hershey was born on September 13, 1857, to Veronica "Fanny" Snavely and Henry Hershey, in the central Pennsylvania town Derry Church, renamed Hershey in 1906. His only sibling, Serena, was born in 1862. Due to the family’s moves he dropped out of school after he turned 12 years old. He then served a four-year beginner with a Lancaster candy and ice-cream maker, Joseph Royer. In 1876 after completing his beginner experience he established his first candy-making business in Philadelphia. The Candy business failed due to lack of finance and customers. He moved out westward to Colorado with his father. Once Milton and his father got there  he then looked for a secure job, unlike his father who went in the search of gold.

       With the proceeds from the 1900 sale of the Lancaster Caramel Company, Hershey initially acquired some 1,200 acres of farm land about 30 miles northwest of Lancaster, near his birthplace of Derry Church. There, he could hold the large supplies of fresh milk needed to produce milk chocolate. Excited by the potential of milk chocolate, which at that time was a Swiss luxury product, Hershey was determined to develop a formula for milk chocolate and market and sell it to the American public. Through hard times he created his own formula for milk chocolate. Hershey continued to experiment and perfect the process of making milk chocolate.

        The main candy that comes from Hershey that we eat today is the original Hershey Milk Chocolate Bar. Most people like it because well people like chocolate so that makes it even better. Not only that but it's sweet and almost everyone has a sweet tooth. Another good reason is it can also be romantic which is why people purchase chocolate on Valentines Day. So as you can see not only has Milton Hershey had an effect on our lives but his chocolate too.



Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blog Assignment #15/Monet.

Assignment #15: Claude Monet
          Claude Monet was born on 14 November 1840. He was the second son of Claude Adolphe Monet and Louise Justine Aubrée Monet. One interesting fact I learned is that his father wanted him to go into the family grocery business, but Monet wanted to become an artist. His mother was a singer. On 1 April 1851, Monet entered Le Havre secondary school of the arts. In 1845 the family moved to Le Havre, France, where Monet's father and uncle ran a business selling supplies for ship. Through an exhibition of his drawings at a local frame shop in 1858, Monet met Eugène Boudin, a landscape painter who became a great influence on the young artist.
           By 1859 Monet was determined to pursue an artistic career. Monet was in Paris for several years and met other young painters who would become friends. By the time his was sixteen, in 1856, most of the traits that were to make Monet a great painter were evident. He was not religious and had little faith in anything that was not drawn from direct experience. It was at this time that Monet found his first mentor in a local painter, Louis Eugene Boudin. Monet later confessed that the first time he had seen Boudin's nature studies displayed in the same shop window as his own caricature portraits, "His painting inspired me with an intense aversion and, without knowing the man, I hated him."
             In 1859, at the age of 19, Monet went to Paris. From 1860 to 1862, Monet was called up for military service and chose to serve in Algeria because he was attracted to the sky. The southern light and color he experienced in Africa excited him and remained an inspiration throughout his life. After he was sent home on sick leave, his sympathetic aunt bought a substitute to complete the remaining five years of his service for him. In 1867, Monet was in acute financial difficulties. His friend Bazille bought Women in the Garden, an enormously challenging piece painted entirely out-of-doors. So that Monet would have an income, Bazille arranged to pay for it in installments over four years. So as you can see nothing stopped this man from doing what he loved, and that's why he is remembered today.