Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog Assignment #22 / Teen News

Assignment #22:
Link:  http://theadvocate.com/

( A teen's take)

#1:Claire Young on volunteering at Woman’s Hospital
          This article is a very inspirational work to young girls. Not only is it inspirational but it also shows that if one works hard, one can accomplish life  long dreams . This is a great program to show kids how to walk in their profession at an early age. Also, it helps youth  stay positive and motivated  in their lives. There is no feeling like doing something that one loves at an early age. This is a very great program, and girls around the world love it. She is helping people in need. That is why this is a great article.

( A teen's take)
#2:Caroline Schulenberg on ballet
 Seeing young people chasing after their dreams is very inspirational. Also, she  serves a hospital so well and loves what she is doing. Not only does she volunteer,  she is practicing giving care to others and is not lazy. Likewise, she does not give up on her dreams and goes for her dreams no matter what anyone says. She is performing in one of my favorite plays, The Nutcracker Suite. She definitely will have a great story to tell young girls that want to be like her.
( A teen's take)
#3:Conner Bueche
  Conner Bueche is a teen who thinks more kids and teens need to exercise often in order to keep up their health. The future starts with us young people, and we need to realize that time waits for no man. Conner is doing the right thing by letting his voice be heard. Not only is this a serious situation that ____,  but he uses his voice to reach the ears of America's youth. Many teens want to make a change in America, but they never really say anything. More people should get involved and  "SPEAK UP"!!!

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