Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog Assignment #22 / Teen News

Assignment #22:
Link:  http://theadvocate.com/

( A teen's take)

#1:Claire Young on volunteering at Woman’s Hospital
          This article is a very inspirational work to young girls. Not only is it inspirational but it also shows that if one works hard, one can accomplish life  long dreams . This is a great program to show kids how to walk in their profession at an early age. Also, it helps youth  stay positive and motivated  in their lives. There is no feeling like doing something that one loves at an early age. This is a very great program, and girls around the world love it. She is helping people in need. That is why this is a great article.

( A teen's take)
#2:Caroline Schulenberg on ballet
 Seeing young people chasing after their dreams is very inspirational. Also, she  serves a hospital so well and loves what she is doing. Not only does she volunteer,  she is practicing giving care to others and is not lazy. Likewise, she does not give up on her dreams and goes for her dreams no matter what anyone says. She is performing in one of my favorite plays, The Nutcracker Suite. She definitely will have a great story to tell young girls that want to be like her.
( A teen's take)
#3:Conner Bueche
  Conner Bueche is a teen who thinks more kids and teens need to exercise often in order to keep up their health. The future starts with us young people, and we need to realize that time waits for no man. Conner is doing the right thing by letting his voice be heard. Not only is this a serious situation that ____,  but he uses his voice to reach the ears of America's youth. Many teens want to make a change in America, but they never really say anything. More people should get involved and  "SPEAK UP"!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Assignment #20:
(Past: Henry Ford)


                 Through July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947 Henry Ford was an American industrialist. He was also the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production.  His introduction of the Model T automobile changed transportation and American industry. as the owner of the Ford Motor Company he became the most richest and most well known people in the world. Ford left most of his vast wealth to the Ford Foundation but arranged for his family to control the company permanently.


          I think president Obama is our present. I think he is our present because he focuses on what is happening now. Also he makes choices that will not only affect us now but in the future as well. He is our present because he is almost like the latest news because he is the first African American president and is trying as hard as he can to make a change. Not only that but because the choices he makes now are really big they could affect what is going on now in a second. That is why Obama is our present.

Future: Apple

Assignment #21: fairy tale

Victoria Savage
Mrs. Alexander
Jr. Publications
9 November
The three little pigs.
            Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They all decided to build houses of their own.  So one day the first little pig builds a house made out of straw. Then the second little pigs build his house out of sticks. Finally, the third pig built his house out of bricks. A few days after that the big bad wolf was at home trying to make a cake for his dear old sick grandma, but he ran out of sugar. So he decided to take a stroll around and see if anyone had any sugar. Truth is told the big bad wolf had a very bad cold. So his first house was the pig who built his house out of straw. He knocked on the door saying…..
            “Oh pig, do you by any chance have any sugar that I can barrow to finish baking a cake for my dear old sick grandma?”
            “Go away not by the hears on my chinny,chin,chin!”
            The big bad wolf did not like that, but he figured that he will just have to go on to the next house. But then he felt a sneeze coming on so he HUFFED, and he PUFFED and he BLEW the house down. Then went on to the next house to see if anyone had any sugar they would give him for his dear old sick grandma. So the next house he went to was built out of sticks. So he walked up to the door and said…….
            “Oh pig; do you by any chance have any sugar that I can barrow to finish baking a cake for my dear old sick grandma?”
            “Go away not by the hair on my chinny,chin,chin!”
            The big bad wolf was again disappointed, but was willing to go on to the next house. But then he felt a sneeze coming on so he HUFFED, and he PUFFED, and he blew the house down. Then went to the last house in the neighborhood to see if anyone had any sugar for his dear old sick grandma. So he walked up to the door and said……..
            “Oh pig; do you by any chance have any sugar that I can barrow to finish baking a cake for my dear old sick grandma?”
            “Go away big bad wolf we won’t let you in,” all three of the pigs say together.
            The two other pigs came to join their brother since the house was blown down. Suddenly the wolf was feed up, and felt a sneeze coming on so he sneezed as hard as he could and blew the house down. But what he didn’t realize is this house was made out of bricks so the house was still standing. The pigs made fun of the big bad wolf and called the cops on him. So everyone was happy because  the big bad wolf was put in jail. Even though he was in jail that still did not stop him from trying to get sugar for his grandma’s cake.
