Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Assignment#3 / 50 stories

Warm up: I would like to write about the history of candy because i think it is a very interisting topic to talk about. Not only that but you want to write about something that will draw kids in and will make them want to read it. Also i have heard about new and exciting candy that i know kids my age will love. That's why i want to write about the historiy of candy.
50 Topics:
  1. sports
  2. shoes
  3. money
  4. government
  5. people
  6. stars
  7. family
  8. funny stories
  9. weird things
  10. random things
  11. school
  12. the mall
  13. vacation
  14. the beach
  15. music
  16. cool new websites
  17. food
  18. stores
  19. homes
  20. summer
  21. winter
  22. spring
  23. fall
  24. riddles
  25. books
  26. art
  27. colors
  28. bugs
  29. animals
  30. forest
  31. friendship
  32. moving
  33. the world
  34. interview
  35. gym
  36. favorite subject
  37. crush
  38. videos
  39. tv shows
  40. money
  41. computers
  42. candy
  43. girls
  44. boys
  45. states
  46. countries
  47. rooms
  48. grades
  49. poems
  50. crazy life stories
Places I Have Traveled:
             I have gone to so many places my story would be too long to read. So im gonna tell you my most favorite place ive gone to. Thta is the Bahamas, I love the bahamas it is so beautyful there. Not only is it beautyful but the people are beautyful. The thing i love to do the most is take tours to see the beautyful landscape. Not only thata but the food is amazing.
             The thing i really love is the people are so nice there. They will help you out no matter what. Also i love the culture. Like i will walk out the hotel and hear the drums,smell the wonderful food,and see the lite up, lights. The bahamas is amazing!!!!!!!
The people I look up too:
              The poeple i look up tp are my parents. I look up to my parents because they inspire me and always know how to make me smile.They know me better than anyone in the whole world, and they w
              Also because they always say i can do it,and even when i think i cant they still know how to put a smile on my face. thats why i look upo to them.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Assignment #2

Warm Up: Some of my favorite hobbies are to go shopping, swimming, basketball, and hanging out with friends. I love shopping because there is nothing like a cute pair of shoes. I love swimming because there no feeling like the nice cool water on a blazing hot day hitting your body and cooling you off. I like Basketball because im tall enough to play it....lol.....i like it because its fun and im naturaly good at it. Finally i like hanging out with friends because you can tell them everything and its fun to be around them.
Assingment #2:
1.One person can keep a fishing line clear, but it takes two to tangle.
2.Two astronauts who were dating put an end to it because they both needed their space.
3.Zookeepers spot clean their leopards
4.I told my friend about the creative writing class I took, and she said that she had a simile experience.
5.Birds dont mind fowl weather in fact they usually find it just ducky
6.Attention staff! The clothes keep falling off the mannequins in ladies' wear. Would someone please redress the problem?
7.Linda was very touched when she received the felt coat as a gift
8.The electrician and the air hostess got on really well together. Sparks flew!
9.Stealing someone's coffee is called 'mugging'.
10.Drinking too much coffee can cause a latte problems.

1. envy
(n.)a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
2. gluttony
(n.)excessive eating and drinking.
3. pride
(n.)a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
. sloth
4.(n.)habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness
5. greed
(n.)excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions
(adj.)fine; completely satisfactory; OK.
7. gremmie
(n.)a novice surfer or one with poor form.
8. hotsy totsy
(adj.)about as right as can be; perfect:
9. moola
10. skedaddle
(v.i.)to run away hurriedly; flee.
       The first article i saw and liked was Exercise May Help Prevent Brain Damage . I like it becuase it shows how eating a lot can really effect your life. It also shows us kids that while we are in our teens and while we can we should exercise and eat healthier to better our bodies. It also gives some facts. WHich is always good because that lets you know they are not making this stuff up. The second article i liked was 
Ruff, Ruff... I Love You?  i like it because it gives the world a heads up on how we are starting to treat animals. Another reason why i like it is because its like they are giving the animals a vioce. Those are the two articles that i liked on http://www.happynews.com/

Assighnment #1

Warm Up: This year I am looking forward to having the best school year ever. I also im looking forward to sports, learning new things, and having fun with friends.

Assignment #1: My name is Victoria Grace Savage let me tell some things about me. I am12 years old and in the 7th grade. I go to Bethany Christian School. my favorite color is purple, and my favorite hobbies are shopping of course, swimming, basketball, and writting, When i grow up i want to be a lawyer, as u get to know me u will find out that that is the perfect job for me. That is the perfect job because i fight for whats right, i always hold my own, and i wont stop till you understand and see my point of view.
              The one thing i love to do in the whole entire world is shop, and i get really excited when there are cute things in the store and they are for sale. Even though not a lot of people think shopping is fun it is, and its even more fun when you are saving money but yet buying the things you want.
              Finally, the one thing i want you to know is that i am a hard worker and i wont stop till i get it finished.i belive in put 110 percent into everything i do. Working hard to me is good because the harder you work the better the outcome. Those are some of the cool things about me!!!!