Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mid-Term 2011

Assignment #1: Babies Behind Bars
        In this situation according to there is a 20 year old mother, Gulnaz who has been spending the past two years in a prison cell in Afghanistan. With 27 other women and their children. Gulnaz baby girl is with her mother 24-7 unaware that her mother was raped by her father. Therefor making both mother and daughter placed behind bars and sentenced to 12 years in jail. Sex out of wedlock, even in the case of rape, is considered adultery and a “moral crime” in Afghanistan—in some cases punishable by death.
         This week, nearly 100,000 people from around the world helped change Gulnaz’s fate. They say she will go free within days. This victory for women’s rights, however, is tainted by two facts: Gulnaz has agreed to marry her rapist against her will, and more than 600 women and their children remain behind bars in Afghanistan for similar “moral crimes. “Their stories are hard to believe. Most are imprisoned for “moral crimes” such as having an extramarital affair (or simply being accused of it), running away from an abusive husband.
          In my eyes not only is this unholy, but it's not fair to women. The bible says we should love thy neighbor. What's going on here does not show that at all. All God wants for us is to be happy, and that is nothing to be happy about. Not only is that but for a baby to go through that at an young age very sad. Who knows what's going to happen when the mother and father start to live together. I think they all should join a church to get their hearts and minds right with God because at the end of the day he has the final say.  
Assignment #2: Best Seller
(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
     The series Diary of a Wimpy Kid is about a ordinary kid name Greg Heffley who in most chases does not have a normal life. You see he is not really popular in school his older brother gets on his nerves and his little brother gets all of the attention. So I guess in some chases he does have a normal boy life. Greg Heffley is starting his first year of middle school. The first half of the book, Rowley and Greg endure events such as Halloween, learning how to wrestle, and acting in the play of The Wizard of Oz as a tree. During trick-or-treating on Halloween night, Greg and Rowley are interrupted by a group of teenagers. They take journey at Greg's grandmother's house and scare the teenagers from there by making sounds and faces at them.
     This upsets Greg's mom, who orders them to come home. They do come home, but get a surprise when they come to the driveway Greg's father soaks the two friends with a trash can full of water.  He only did it because he thought they were teenagers trying to "TP" the house like they did last year. On Christmas day, Greg writes that he gets very few presents that he likes. He does not get the one thing he really wants, a video game called Twisted Wizard, but instead gets a red sweater because his parents mix the presents up, an 8 x 10 picture of his uncle, and a Big Wheel. Manny (his younger brother) gets all the presents that he wanted, making Greg more frustrated.
        Near the end of the school year, Rowley's comic strip, called "Zoo-Wee Mama", is entered into the school's newspaper. Greg tells Rowley to list him as the co-creator because it was his idea and joke punch line. Rowley then denies that Greg had anything to do with it. They get ready to fight but are then interrupted by the teenagers they scared on Halloween. They showed up to pay them back and they force Rowley to eat the cheese at the blacktop, but Greg gets away by lying to the angry, bad tempered teenagers saying he is allergic to dairy products. The next day, Greg explains that he removed the Cheese, but unfortunately for him, the other students thought that this meant Greg actually touched it, giving him the Cheese Touch. For the rest of the year, Greg is in seclusion from everyone else and he and Rowley become best friends again. That's all that happened in the first book.           

Assignment #3: American Museum of Natural History
1. (Tools of The Trade)
Who? Spanish and the Indians
     What? Built Missions
     When? Today
     Where? All over the world
     Why? To spread Christianity and to offer food and aid.
     How? By raising money
Who? Scientists
What? Astronomy, and what it is
When? In the present time
Where? In space
Why? Trying to find out how stars got here
How? By going to space and observing
3. (Studying what people do everywhere and across time)
Who? People in the world
What? Things people want to know about other people in other countries
When? In the present time
Where? All over the world
Why? Just to know how it is
How? Anthropologists ask